XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1
UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Variables | |
URI MungeResources | TYPE |
URI MungeResources any URI munging directives like URI Munge will also apply to embedded | resources |
URI MungeResources any URI munging directives like URI Munge will also apply to embedded such as< code > & | lt |
img | src =""> |
</code > Be careful enabling this directive if you have a redirector script that does not use the< code > Location</code > HTTP | header |
</code> Be careful enabling this directive if you have a redirector script that does not use the<code> Location</code> HTTP header |
URI MungeResources any URI munging directives like URI Munge will also apply to embedded such as<code>& lt |
img src =""> |
URI MungeResources TYPE |