XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/URI.MungeSecretKey.txt


URI MungeSecretKey TYPE
URI MungeSecretKey $url
URI MungeSecretKey $secret_key</pre >< p > If the output is TRUE
URI MungeSecretKey $secret_key</pre >< p > If the output is the redirector script should accept the URI</p >< p > Please note that it would still be possible for an attacker to procure secure hashes en mass by abusing your website s Preview feature or the like

Documentation des variables

◆ $url

URI MungeSecretKey $url

◆ like

URI MungeSecretKey $secret_key</pre><p> If the output is the redirector script should accept the URI</p><p> Please note that it would still be possible for an attacker to procure secure hashes en mass by abusing your website s Preview feature or the like


URI MungeSecretKey $secret_key</pre><p> If the output is TRUE


URI MungeSecretKey TYPE