XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/HTML.ForbiddenElements.txt


HTML ForbiddenElements TYPE
HTML ForbiddenElements perhaps
HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML AllowedElements
HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that directive
HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that or any other directive</p >< p > If possible
HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that or any other directive</p >< p > If HTML Allowed is recommended over this because it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether or not you ve forbidden all of the behavior you would like to disallow If you forbid< code > img</code > with the expectation of preventing images on your site

Documentation des variables

◆ AllowedElements

HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML AllowedElements

◆ directive

HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that or any other directive</p><p> If HTML Allowed is recommended over this directive

◆ perhaps

HTML ForbiddenElements perhaps

◆ possible

HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that or any other directive</p><p> If possible

◆ site

HTML ForbiddenElements the most requested feature ever in HTML Purifier Please don t abuse it ! This is the logical inverse of HTML and it will override that or any other directive</p><p> If HTML Allowed is recommended over this because it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether or not you ve forbidden all of the behavior you would like to disallow If you forbid<code> img</code> with the expectation of preventing images on your site


HTML ForbiddenElements TYPE