XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/URI.DisableExternalResources.txt


URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access tracking (good for email viewers)


URI DisableExternalResources TYPE
URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth leeching
URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request forging
URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request goatse cx posting
URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request goatse cx and other nasties

Documentation des fonctions

◆ tracking()

URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access tracking ( good for email  viewers)

Documentation des variables

◆ forging

URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request forging

◆ leeching

URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth leeching

◆ nasties

URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request goatse cx and other nasties

◆ posting

URI DisableExternalResources preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts This prevents access bandwidth cross site request goatse cx posting


URI DisableExternalResources TYPE