XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/CSS.MaxImgLength.txt


CSS MaxImgLength effectively the< code > width</code > and< code > height</code > properties Only absolute units of measurement (in, pt, pc, mm, cm) and pixels(px) are allowed. This is in place to prevent imagecrash attacks


CSS MaxImgLength TYPE
CSS MaxImgLength effectively the< code > width</code > and< code > height</code > properties Only absolute units of disable with null at your own risk This directive is similar to HTML MaxImgLength
CSS MaxImgLength effectively the< code > width</code > and< code > height</code > properties Only absolute units of disable with null at your own risk This directive is similar to HTML and both should be concurrently edited

Documentation des fonctions

◆ measurement()

CSS MaxImgLength effectively the<code> width</code> and<code> height</code> properties Only absolute units of measurement ( in  ,
pt  ,
pc  ,
mm  ,

Documentation des variables

◆ edited

CSS MaxImgLength effectively the<code> width</code> and<code> height</code> properties Only absolute units of disable with null at your own risk This directive is similar to HTML and both should be concurrently edited

◆ MaxImgLength

CSS MaxImgLength effectively the<code> width</code> and<code> height</code> properties Only absolute units of disable with null at your own risk This directive is similar to HTML MaxImgLength