const | _PM_DELETED 'Your message(s) has been deleted' |
const | _PM_PRIVATEMESSAGE 'Private Messages' |
const | _PM_INBOX 'Inbox' |
const | _PM_FROM 'From' |
const | _PM_YOUDONTHAVE "You don't have any private messages" |
const | _PM_FROMC 'From: ' |
const | _PM_SENTC 'Sent: ' |
const | _PM_PROFILE 'Profile' |
const | _PM_PREVIOUS 'Previous Message' |
const | _PM_NEXT 'Next Message' |
const | _PM_SORRY 'Sorry! You are not a registered user.' |
const | _PM_REGISTERNOW 'Register Now!' |
const | _PM_GOBACK 'Go Back' |
const | _PM_USERNOEXIST "The selected user doesn't exist in the database." |
const | _PM_PLZTRYAGAIN 'Please check the name and try again.' |
const | _PM_MESSAGEPOSTED 'Your message has been posted' |
const | _PM_CLICKHERE 'You can click here to view your private messages' |
const | _PM_ORCLOSEWINDOW 'Or click here to close this window.' |
const | _PM_USERWROTE '%s wrote:' |
const | _PM_TO 'To: ' |
const | _PM_SUBJECTC 'Subject: ' |
const | _PM_MESSAGEC 'Message: ' |
const | _PM_CLEAR 'Clear' |
const | _PM_CANCELSEND 'Cancel Send' |
const | _PM_SUBMIT 'Submit' |
const | _PM_SAVEINOUTBOX 'Save a copy in your outbox?' |
const | _PM_SUBJECT 'Subject' |
const | _PM_DATE 'Date' |
const | _PM_NOTREAD 'Not Read' |
const | _PM_SEND 'Send new message' |
const | _PM_DELETE 'Delete' |
const | _PM_TOSAVE 'Move to Savebox' |
const | _PM_UNSAVE 'Move out of Savebox' |
const | _PM_EMPTY 'Empty' |
const | _PM_REPLY 'Reply' |
const | _PM_PLZREG 'Please register first to send private messages!' |
const | _PM_SAVED_PART 'You are allowed %d in your Savebox and you saved %d messages for this time' |
const | _PM_SAVED_ALL 'Messages have been moved to Savebox' |
const | _PM_UNSAVED 'Messages have been removed from Savebox' |
const | _PM_EMPTIED 'The box has been emptied' |
const | _PM_RUSUREEMPTY 'Are you sure to empty the box?' |
const | _PM_SURE_TO_DELETE 'Are you sure to delete these message(s)?' |
const | _PM_ONLINE 'Online' |
const | _PM_OUTBOX 'Outbox' |
const | _PM_SAVEBOX 'Savebox' |
const | _PM_SAVE 'SAVE' |
const | _PM_SORT 'SORT' |
const | _PM_ORDER 'ORDER' |
const | _PM_TIME 'Post Date' |
const | _PM_ASC 'ASC' |
const | _PM_DESC 'DESC' |
const | _PM_LIMIT 'PMs per Page' |
const | _PM_BACKTOBOX 'Back to Box' |
const | _PM_SORTSUBMIT 'Submit' |
const | _PM_PREVIOUSP 'Previous' |
const | _PM_NEXTP 'Next' |
const | _PM_MAILNOTIFY "%s-You've got a new PM from %s" |
const | _PM_MAILMESSAGE "Hello!\nA New PM has arrived from %s\n\nTitle of PM is\n%s\n\nYou can view the PM here\n%s\n\n-----------\nYou are receiving this message because you selected to be notified when you receive a new PM\n\nYou can change your PM-Config\n%s\n\nPlease do not reply to this message\n\n---------\nBest Regards\n%s\n%s\n%s" |
const | _PM_EMAIL 'Forward to email' |
const | _PM_EMAIL_DESC 'Dear %s, this is a message transfered from your account at ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename'] |
const | _PM_EMAIL_FROM 'From %s' |
const | _PM_EMAIL_TO 'To %s' |
const | _PM_EMAIL_SUBJECT '[message]%s' |
const | _PM_EMAIL_MESSAGE 'Message content' |
const | _PM_ACTION_DONE 'Operation executed successfully' |
const | _PM_ACTION_ERROR 'Operation failed' |
const | _PM_READ 'Already Read' |
const | _PM_SUBJECT_ICONS 'Subject Icons: ' |