XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/Core.AllowHostnameUnderscore.txt


Core AllowHostnameUnderscore underscores are not permitted in host names (This is in contrast to the specification for DNS, RFC 2181, which allows underscores.) However


Core AllowHostnameUnderscore TYPE
Core AllowHostnameUnderscore underscores are not permitted in host most browsers do the right thing when faced with an underscore in the host name

Documentation des fonctions

◆ names()

Core AllowHostnameUnderscore underscores are not permitted in host names ( This is in contrast to the specification for  DNS,
RFC  2181,
which allows  underscores. 

Documentation des variables

◆ name

Core AllowHostnameUnderscore underscores are not permitted in host most browsers do the right thing when faced with an underscore in the host name


Core AllowHostnameUnderscore TYPE