![]() |
XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1
UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Fonctions membres publiques | |
__construct () | |
isContainer () | |
setName ($name) | |
getName ($encode=true) | |
setAccessKey ($key) | |
getAccessKey () | |
getAccessString ($str) | |
setClass ($class) | |
getClass () | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
getCaption ($encode=false) | |
getTitle ($encode=true) | |
setDescription ($description) | |
getDescription ($encode=false) | |
setHidden () | |
isHidden () | |
isRequired () | |
setExtra ($extra, $replace=false) | |
getExtra ($encode=false) | |
setNocolspan ($nocolspan=true) | |
getNocolspan () | |
getFormType () | |
setFormType ($value='') | |
renderValidationJS () | |
render () | |
Champs de données | |
$customValidationCode = array() | |
$_name | |
$_caption | |
$_accesskey = '' | |
$_class = array() | |
$_hidden = false | |
$_extra = array() | |
$_required = false | |
$_description = '' | |
$_nocolspan = false | |
$_formtype = '' | |
Abstract base class for form elements
__construct | ( | ) |
Réimplémentée dans XoopsEditor.
getAccessKey | ( | ) |
get the "accesskey" attribute for the element
getAccessString | ( | $str | ) |
If the accesskey is found in the specified string, underlines it
string | $str | String where to search the accesskey occurence |
getCaption | ( | $encode = false | ) |
get the caption for the element
bool | $encode | To sanitizer the text? |
getClass | ( | ) |
get the "class" attribute for the element
getDescription | ( | $encode = false | ) |
get the element's description
bool | $encode | To sanitizer the text? |
getExtra | ( | $encode = false | ) |
Get the extra attributes for the element
bool | $encode | To sanitizer the text? |
getFormType | ( | ) |
get the element's nocolspan Modified by Catzwolf
getName | ( | $encode = true | ) |
get the "name" attribute for the element
bool | $encode |
getNocolspan | ( | ) |
Get the element's nocolspan Modified by Catzwolf
getTitle | ( | $encode = true | ) |
get the caption for the element
bool | $encode | To sanitizer the text? |
isContainer | ( | ) |
Is this element a container of other elements?
Réimplémentée dans XoopsFormElementTray.
isHidden | ( | ) |
Find out if an element is "hidden".
isRequired | ( | ) |
Find out if an element is required.
Réimplémentée dans XoopsFormElementTray.
render | ( | ) |
Generates output for the element.
This method is abstract and must be overwritten by the child classes.
Réimplémentée dans XoopsGroupFormCheckBox, XoopsFormSelect, XoopsFormCheckBox, XoopsFormElementTray, XoopsFormRadio, XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea, XoopsFormPassword, XoopsFormTinymce, XoopsFormTextArea, XoopsFormText, XoopsFormButton, XoopsFormButtonTray, XoopsFormCaptcha, XoopsFormEditor, XoopsFormHidden, XoopsFormLabel, XoopsFormFile, XoopsFormSelectEditor, FormDhtmlTextArea, XoopsFormColorPicker, et XoopsFormTextDateSelect.
renderValidationJS | ( | ) |
Render custom javascript validation code
@seealso XoopsForm::renderValidationJS
Réimplémentée dans XoopsFormSelect, XoopsFormCheckBox, XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea, XoopsFormCaptcha, XoopsFormTinymce, XoopsFormEditor, et XoopsFormColorPicker.
setAccessKey | ( | $key | ) |
set the "accesskey" attribute for the element
string | $key | "accesskey" attribute for the element |
setCaption | ( | $caption | ) |
set the caption for the element
string | $caption |
setClass | ( | $class | ) |
set the "class" attribute for the element
string | $class |
setDescription | ( | $description | ) |
set the element's description
string | $description |
setExtra | ( | $extra, | |
$replace = false |
) |
Add extra attributes to the element.
This string will be inserted verbatim and unvalidated in the element's tag. Know what you are doing!
string | $extra | |
bool | $replace | If true, passed string will replace current content otherwise it will be appended to it |
setFormType | ( | $value = '' | ) |
set the element's nocolspan Modified by Catzwolf
string | $value |
setHidden | ( | ) |
flag the element as "hidden"
setName | ( | $name | ) |
set the "name" attribute for the element
string | $name | "name" attribute for the element |
setNocolspan | ( | $nocolspan = true | ) |
Set the element's nocolspan Modified by Catzwolf
bool | $nocolspan |
$_accesskey = '' |
$_caption |
$_class = array() |
$_description = '' |
$_extra = array() |
$_formtype = '' |
Get form type
$_hidden = false |
$_name |
$_nocolspan = false |
$_required = false |
$customValidationCode = array() |