XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1
UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Variables | |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_MAIN 'Users Management' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_ADVANCED_SEARCH 'Advanced search' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_ADD_USER 'Add user' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_EDIT_USER 'Edit user' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_DELETE_USER 'Delete user' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_TIPS ' <ul> <li>Manage Xoops users</li> </ul>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USER 'User' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADMIN 'Admin' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_UID 'User ID' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_STATUS 'Status' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAME 'Name' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_UNAME 'User Name' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EMAIL 'Email' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDIT_GROUPS 'Edit groups' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REG_DATE 'Registered date' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LAST_LOGIN 'Last login' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTS 'Comments/Posts' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LEVEL 'Level' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTION 'Action' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FINDUS 'Find Users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_AVATAR 'Avatar' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REALNAME 'Real Name' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGDATE 'Registration Date' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PM 'PM' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_URL 'Web URL' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PREVIOUS 'Previous' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NEXT 'Next' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USERSFOUND '%s user(s) found' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTUS 'Active Users: %s' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTUS 'Inactive Users: %s' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOFOUND 'No Users Found' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ICQ 'ICQ Number' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_AIM 'AIM Link' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_YIM 'YIM Link' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FACEBOOK 'Facebook Link' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SKYPE 'Skype Link' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_TIMEZONE 'Time Zone' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SHOWSIG 'Always attach my signature' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CDISPLAYMODE 'Comments Display Mode' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CSORTORDER 'Comments Sort Order' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EXTRAINFO 'Extra Info' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LOCATION 'Location' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_OCCUPATION 'Position' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INTEREST 'Interest' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_URLC 'URL contains' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LOCATIONC 'Location contains' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_OCCUPATIONC 'Position contains' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INTERESTC 'Interest contains' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGMORE "Last login is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGLESS "Last login is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGMORE "Joined date is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGLESS "Joined date is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTSMORE "Number of Posts is greater than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTSLESS "Number of Posts is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SORT 'Sort by' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ORDER 'Order' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGIN 'Last login' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ASC 'Ascending' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DESC 'Descending' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LIMIT 'Number of users per page' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RESULTS 'Search results' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SHOWMAILOK 'Type of users to show' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAILOK 'Only users that accept email' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAILNG "Only users that don't accept email" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SHOWTYPE 'Type of users to show' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTIVE 'Only active users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTIVE 'Only inactive users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_BOTH 'All users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SENDMAIL 'Send email' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD2GROUP 'Add users to %s group' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_GROUPS 'Groups' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD_GROUPS 'Add group' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELETE_GROUPS 'Delete group' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_AYSYWTDU 'Are you sure you want to delete user %s?' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_BYTHIS 'By doing this all the info for this user will be removed permanently.' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_YES 'Yes' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO 'No' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_YMCACF 'You must complete all required fields' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNRNU 'Could not register new user.' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDEUSER 'Edit/Delete Users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NICKNAME 'User Name' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MODIFYUSER 'Modify User' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELUSER 'Delete User' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_GO 'Go!' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADDUSER 'Add User' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_OPTION 'Option' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_THEME 'Theme' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_AOUTVTEAD 'Allow other users to view this email address' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RANK 'Rank' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NSRA 'No Special Rank Assigned' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NSRID 'No Special Ranks in Database' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACCESSLEV 'Access Level' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SIGNATURE 'Signature' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PASSWORD 'Password' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INDICATECOF '* indicates required fields' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOTACTIVE 'This user has not been activated. Do you wish to activate this user?' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_UPDATEUSER 'Update User' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USERINFO 'User Info' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RETYPEPD 'Retype Password' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CHANGEONLY '(for changes only)' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SYNCHRONIZE 'Synchronize' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USERDONEXIT "User doesn't exist!" |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_STNPDNM 'Sorry, the new passwords do not match. Click back and try again' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNUUSER 'Could not update user' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNGUSERID 'Could not get user ID' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOUSERS 'No users selected' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNRNU2 'The new user could not be added to groups: %s.' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SEARCH 'Search' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SEARCH_USER 'Search User:' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADVANCED_SEARCH 'Advanced search' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDIT 'Edit member' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DEL 'Delete member' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELETE 'Delete' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SUBMIT 'Submit' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PURGE 'Purge' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD 'Add member' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_VIEW 'View member info' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_FOUND 'No user(s) found' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOT_CONNECT 'Never connected' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FORM_SURE_DEL 'Delete user: %s' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FORM_SURE_DEL2 'Delete' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_SUPP 'User cannot be deleted: %s <br>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_ADMINSUPP 'Admin user cannot be deleted: %s <br>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ERROR 'Error:<br><br> %s' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ALLGROUP 'All groups' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ALLUSER 'All users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTIVEUSER 'Only active users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTIVEUSER 'Only inactive users' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PSEUDO_ERROR 'User name %s already exists' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAIL_ERROR 'User email %s already exists' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACCEPT_EMAIL 'Accept email from Admin' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACCESSLEV 'Access Level' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTION 'Action' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTIVE 'Only active users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTIVEUSER 'Only active users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ACTUS 'Active Users: %s' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD 'Add member' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD2GROUP 'Add users to %s group' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADD_GROUPS 'Add group' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADMIN 'Admin' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ADVANCED_SEARCH 'Advanced search' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ALLGROUP 'All groups' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ALLUSER 'All users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ASC 'Ascending' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_AVATAR 'Avatar' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_BOTH 'All users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_BYTHIS 'By doing this all the info for this user will be removed permanently.' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CDISPLAYMODE 'Comments Display Mode' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CHANGEONLY '(for changes only)' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNRNU 'Could not register new user.' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CNUUSER 'Could not update user' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_CSORTORDER 'Comments Sort Order' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DEL 'Delete member' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELETE 'Delete' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELETE_GROUPS 'Delete group' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DELUSER 'Delete User' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_DESC 'Descending' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDEUSER 'Edit/Delete Users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDIT 'Edit member' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EDIT_GROUPS 'Edit groups' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_EMAIL 'Email' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ERROR 'Error:<br><br> %s' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FACEBOOK 'Facebook Link' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FINDUS 'Find Users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_FORM_SURE_DEL 'Delete user: %s' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_GO 'Go!' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_GROUPS 'Groups' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ICQ 'ICQ Number' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTIVE 'Only inactive users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTIVEUSER 'Only inactive users' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INACTUS 'Inactive Users: %s' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INDICATECOF '* indicates required fields' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INTEREST 'Interest' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INTERESTC 'Interest contains' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LAST_LOGIN 'Last login' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGIN 'Last login' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGLESS "Last login is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LASTLOGMORE "Last login is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LEVEL 'Level' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LIMIT 'Number of users per page' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LOCATION 'Location' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_LOCATIONC 'Location contains' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAIL_ERROR 'User email %s already exists' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAILNG "Only users that don't accept email" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_MAILOK 'Only users that accept email' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAME 'Name' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_ADD_USER 'Add user' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_ADVANCED_SEARCH 'Advanced search' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_DELETE_USER 'Delete user' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_EDIT_USER 'Edit user' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_MAIN 'Users Management' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NAV_TIPS ' <ul> <li>Manage Xoops users</li> </ul>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NEXT 'Next' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO 'No' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_ADMINSUPP 'Admin user cannot be deleted: %s <br>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_FOUND 'No user(s) found' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NO_SUPP 'User cannot be deleted: %s <br>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOFOUND 'No Users Found' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOT_CONNECT 'Never connected' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOTACTIVE 'This user has not been activated. Do you wish to activate this user?' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NOUSERS 'No users selected' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NSRA 'No Special Rank Assigned' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_NSRID 'No Special Ranks in Database' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_OCCUPATIONC 'Position contains' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_OPTION 'Option' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_ORDER 'Order' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PASSWORD 'Password' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTS 'Comments/Posts' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTSLESS "Number of Posts is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_POSTSMORE "Number of Posts is greater than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PREVIOUS 'Previous' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PSEUDO_ERROR 'User name %s already exists' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_PURGE 'Purge' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RANK 'Rank' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REG_DATE 'Registered date' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGDATE 'Registration Date' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGLESS "Joined date is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_REGMORE "Joined date is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RESULTS 'Search results' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_RETYPEPD 'Retype Password' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SEARCH 'Search' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SEARCH_USER 'Search User:' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SENDMAIL 'Send email' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SHOWSIG 'Always attach my signature' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SIGNATURE 'Signature' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SKYPE 'Skype Link' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SORT 'Sort by' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_STATUS 'Status' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SUBMIT 'Submit' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_SYNCHRONIZE 'Synchronize' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_THEME 'Theme' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_UID 'User ID' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_UNAME 'User Name' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_URLC 'URL contains' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USER 'User' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USERDONEXIT "User doesn't exist!" |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_USERSFOUND '%s user(s) found' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_VIEW 'View member info' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_YES 'Yes' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_YMCACF 'You must complete all required fields' |