XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1
UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Variables | |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MANAGER 'Image Manager' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAIN 'Main' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGLIST 'Image List' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ADDCAT 'Add Category' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ADDIMG 'Add Image' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MULTIUPLOAD 'Multi uploads' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_EDITIMG 'Edit Image' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_CATLIST 'Category List' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_NOCAT 'No Category Available' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_NAME 'Name' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXSIZE 'Max size' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXWIDTH 'Max width' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXHEIGHT 'Max height' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_DISPLAY 'Display' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ACTIONS 'Actions' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_VIEW 'View' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_INDB ' Store in the database (as binary "blob" data)' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ASFILE ' Store as files (in uploads directory)<br>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATNAME 'Category Name:' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATRGRP 'Select groups for image manager use:<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;">These are groups allowed to use the image manager for selecting images but not uploading. Webmaster has automatic access.</span>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATWGRP 'Select groups allowed to upload images:<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;">Typical usage is for moderator and admin groups.</span>' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATDISPLAY 'Display this category?' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATSTRTYPE 'Images are uploaded to:' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_STRTYOPENG 'This can not be changed afterwards!' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager:' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_OFF 'Display in image manager' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ON 'Does not display in image manager' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_URL 'Show image URL' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_RUDELIMG 'Are you sure that you want to delete this images file?' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILSAVE 'Failed save image %s into the database' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_RUDELIMGCAT 'Are you sure that you want to delete this category and all of its images files?' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILDEL 'Failed deleting image %s from the database' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILDELCAT 'Failed deleting image category %s from the database' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILUNLINK 'Failed deleting image %s from the server directory' |
const | _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_TIPS '<ul><li>Manage categories of images and users permissions</li></ul>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ADDCAT 'Add Category' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_ADDIMG 'Add Image' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_CATLIST 'Category List' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_EDITIMG 'Edit Image' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILDEL 'Failed deleting image %s from the database' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILDELCAT 'Failed deleting image category %s from the database' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILSAVE 'Failed save image %s into the database' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_FAILUNLINK 'Failed deleting image %s from the server directory' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATDISPLAY 'Display this category?' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATNAME 'Category Name:' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATRGRP 'Select groups for image manager use:<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;">These are groups allowed to use the image manager for selecting images but not uploading. Webmaster has automatic access.</span>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATSTRTYPE 'Images are uploaded to:' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager:' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGCATWGRP 'Select groups allowed to upload images:<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;">Typical usage is for moderator and admin groups.</span>' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_IMGLIST 'Image List' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_INDB ' Store in the database (as binary "blob" data)' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MANAGER 'Image Manager' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXHEIGHT 'Max height' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXSIZE 'Max size' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MAXWIDTH 'Max width' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_MULTIUPLOAD 'Multi uploads' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_NOCAT 'No Category Available' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_OFF 'Display in image manager' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_RUDELIMGCAT 'Are you sure that you want to delete this category and all of its images files?' |
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_URL 'Show image URL' |