XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.txt


Filter ExtractStyleBlocks TYPE
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input HTML
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input cleans them up with CSSTidy
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the< code > StyleBlocks</code > context variable
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the< code > StyleBlocks</code > context for further use by you
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the< code > StyleBlocks</code > context for further use by usually to be placed in an external stylesheet
Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes< code > style</code > blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the< code > StyleBlocks</code > context for further use by usually to be placed in an external or a< code > style</code > block in the< code > head</code > of your document</p >< p > Sample usage
 charset =utf-8')
echo<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- "http:< html xmlns="http: <head><title> Filter ExtractStyleBlocks</title >
 $dirty = '<style>body {color:#F00;}</style> Some text'
 $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault()
 $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config)
 $html = $purifier->purify($dirty)
 $styles = $purifier->context->get('StyleBlocks')
 $dir = 'styles/'
 $hash = sha1($_GET['html'])
 foreach ( $styles as $i=> $style)

Documentation des variables

◆ $config

◆ $dir

$dir = 'styles/'

◆ $dirty

$dirty = '<style>body {color:#F00;}</style> Some text'

◆ $hash

$hash = sha1($_GET['html'])

◆ $html

$html = $purifier->purify($dirty)

◆ $purifier

$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config)

◆ $styles

$styles = $purifier->context->get('StyleBlocks')

◆ charset

charset =utf-8')

◆ CSSTidy

Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input cleans them up with CSSTidy

◆ ExtractStyleBlocks</title >

echo<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- "http: <html xmlns="http: <head><title> Filter ExtractStyleBlocks</title >

◆ foreach

foreach($styles as $i=> $style)


Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input HTML

◆ stylesheet

Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the<code> StyleBlocks</code> context for further use by usually to be placed in an external stylesheet


Filter ExtractStyleBlocks TYPE

◆ usage

Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the<code> StyleBlocks</code> context for further use by usually to be placed in an external or a<code> style</code> block in the<code> head</code> of your document</p><p> Sample usage

◆ variable

Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the<code> StyleBlocks</code> context variable

◆ you

Filter ExtractStyleBlocks which removes<code> style</code> blocks from input cleans them up with and places them in the<code> StyleBlocks</code> context for further use by you