XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier logger.php

Espaces de nommage



const _LOGGER_DEBUG 'Debug'
const _LOGGER_INCLUDED_FILES 'Included files'
const _LOGGER_FILES '%s files'
const _LOGGER_MEM_USAGE 'Memory usage'
const _LOGGER_MEM_ESTIMATED '%s [Estimated]'
const _LOGGER_NONE 'None'
const _LOGGER_ALL 'All'
const _LOGGER_ERRORS 'Errors'
const _LOGGER_DEPRECATED 'Deprecated'
const _LOGGER_QUERIES 'Queries'
const _LOGGER_BLOCKS 'Blocks'
const _LOGGER_EXTRA 'Extra'
const _LOGGER_TIMERS 'Timers'
const _LOGGER_TIMETOLOAD '%s took %s seconds to load.'
const _LOGGER_TOTAL 'Total'
const _LOGGER_NOT_CACHED 'Not cached'
const _LOGGER_CACHED 'Cached (regenerates every %s seconds)'
const _LOGGER_UNKNOWN 'Unknown'
const _LOGGER_E_USER_NOTICE 'Notice'
const _LOGGER_E_USER_WARNING 'Warning'
const _LOGGER_E_USER_ERROR 'Error'
const _LOGGER_E_NOTICE 'Notice'
const _LOGGER_E_WARNING 'Warning'
const _LOGGER_E_STRICT 'Strict'
const _LOGGER_FILELINE '%s in file %s line %s'

Documentation des variables


const _LOGGER_ALL 'All'


const _LOGGER_BLOCKS 'Blocks'


const _LOGGER_CACHED 'Cached (regenerates every %s seconds)'


const _LOGGER_DEBUG 'Debug'


const _LOGGER_DEPRECATED 'Deprecated'


const _LOGGER_E_NOTICE 'Notice'


const _LOGGER_E_STRICT 'Strict'


const _LOGGER_E_USER_ERROR 'Error'


const _LOGGER_E_USER_NOTICE 'Notice'


const _LOGGER_E_USER_WARNING 'Warning'


const _LOGGER_E_WARNING 'Warning'


const _LOGGER_ERRORS 'Errors'


const _LOGGER_EXTRA 'Extra'


const _LOGGER_FILELINE '%s in file %s line %s'


const _LOGGER_FILES '%s files'


const _LOGGER_INCLUDED_FILES 'Included files'


const _LOGGER_MEM_ESTIMATED '%s [Estimated]'


const _LOGGER_MEM_USAGE 'Memory usage'


const _LOGGER_NONE 'None'


const _LOGGER_NOT_CACHED 'Not cached'


const _LOGGER_QUERIES 'Queries'


const _LOGGER_TIMERS 'Timers'


const _LOGGER_TIMETOLOAD '%s took %s seconds to load.'


const _LOGGER_TOTAL 'Total'


const _LOGGER_UNKNOWN 'Unknown'