XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/Core.Encoding.txt


Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable not even the ones that have been ampersand escaped (this is due to a UTF-8 specific< em >feature</em > that automatically resolves all entities)


Core Encoding TYPE
Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable deficiencies
Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable not even the ones that have been ampersand making it pretty useless for anything except the most I18N blind applications

Documentation des fonctions

◆ escaped()

Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable not even the ones that have been ampersand escaped ( this is due to a UTF-8 specific< em >feature</em > that automatically resolves all  entities)

Documentation des variables

◆ applications

Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable not even the ones that have been ampersand making it pretty useless for anything except the most I18N blind applications

◆ deficiencies

Core Encoding you can use this directive as a stop gap compatibility change to let HTML Purifier deal with non UTF input This technique has notable deficiencies


Core Encoding TYPE