![]() |
API - XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2
By monxoops.fr
Variables | |
const | _PLEASEWAIT 'Please Wait' |
const | _FETCHING 'Loading...' |
const | _TAKINGBACK 'Taking you back to where you were....' |
const | _LOGOUT 'Logout' |
const | _SUBJECT 'Subject' |
const | _MESSAGEICON 'Message Icon' |
const | _COMMENTS 'Comments' |
const | _POSTANON 'Post Anonymously' |
const | _DISABLESMILEY 'Disable smiley' |
const | _DISABLEHTML 'Disable HTML' |
const | _PREVIEW 'Preview' |
const | _GO 'Go!' |
const | _NESTED 'Nested' |
const | _NOCOMMENTS 'No Comments' |
const | _FLAT 'Flat' |
const | _THREADED 'Threaded' |
const | _OLDESTFIRST 'Oldest First' |
const | _NEWESTFIRST 'Newest First' |
const | _MORE 'more...' |
const | _MULTIPAGE 'To have your article span multiple pages, insert the word <span color=red>[pagebreak]</span> (with brackets) in the article.' |
const | _IFNOTRELOAD 'If the page does not automatically reload, please click <a href=\'%s\'>here</a>' |
const | _XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED '%s is required' |
const | _XOBJ_ERR_SHORTERTHAN '%s must be shorter than %d characters.' |
const | _PROFILE 'Profile' |
const | _POSTEDBY 'Posted by' |
const | _VISITWEBSITE 'Visit Website' |
const | _SENDPMTO 'Send Private Message to %s' |
const | _SENDEMAILTO 'Send Email to %s' |
const | _ADD 'Add' |
const | _REPLY 'Reply' |
const | _DATE 'Date' |
const | _MAIN 'Main' |
const | _MANUAL 'Manual' |
const | _INFO 'Info' |
const | _CPHOME 'Control Panel Home' |
const | _YOURHOME 'Home Page' |
const | _WHOSONLINE 'Who\'s Online' |
const | _GUESTS 'Guests' |
const | _MEMBERS 'Members' |
const | _ONLINEPHRASE '<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are online' |
const | _ONLINEPHRASEX '<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are browsing <strong>%s</strong>' |
const | _CLOSE 'Close' |
const | _QUOTEC 'Quote:' |
const | _NOPERM 'Sorry, you don\'t have the permission to access this area.' |
const | _NO 'No' |
const | _YES 'Yes' |
const | _EDIT 'Edit' |
const | _DELETE 'Delete' |
const | _SUBMIT 'Submit' |
const | _MODULENOEXIST 'Selected module does not exist!' |
const | _ALIGN 'Align' |
const | _LEFT 'Left' |
const | _CENTER 'Center' |
const | _RIGHT 'Right' |
const | _FORM_ENTER 'Please enter %s' |
const | _MUSTWABLE 'File %s must be writable by the server!' |
const | _PREFERENCES 'Preferences' |
const | _VERSION 'Version' |
const | _DESCRIPTION 'Description' |
const | _AUTHOR 'Author' |
const | _CREDITS 'Credits' |
const | _LICENCE 'Licence' |
const | _ERRORS 'Errors' |
const | _NONE 'None' |
const | _ON 'On' |
const | _READS 'reads' |
const | _WELCOMETO 'Welcome to %s' |
const | _SEARCH 'Search' |
const | _ALL 'All' |
const | _TITLE 'Title' |
const | _OPTIONS 'Options' |
const | _QUOTE 'Quote' |
const | _LIST 'List' |
const | _LOGIN 'User Login' |
const | _USERNAME 'Username: ' |
const | _PASSWORD 'Password: ' |
const | _SELECT 'Select' |
const | _IMAGE 'Image' |
const | _SEND 'Send' |
const | _CANCEL 'Cancel' |
const | _ASCENDING 'Ascending order' |
const | _DESCENDING 'Descending order' |
const | _BACK 'Back' |
const | _NOTITLE 'No title' |
const | _MD_ADDIMGCAT 'Add Category' |
const | _MD_IMGCATNAME 'Category name' |
const | _MD_IMGCATRGRP 'Select groups for image manager use' |
const | _MD_IMGCATWGRP 'Select groups allowed to upload images' |
const | _MD_IMGCATWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager' |
const | _MD_IMGCATDISPLAY 'Display' |
const | _MD_IMGCATSTRTYPE 'Images are uploaded to:' |
const | _MD_STRTYOPENG 'This can not be changed afterwards!' |
const | _MD_ASFILE 'Store as files (in uploads directory)' |
const | _MD_INDB "Store in the database (as binary \"blob\" data)" |
const | _MD_IMGMAIN 'Category' |
const | _MD_EDITIMGCAT 'Images Settings' |
const | _IMGMANAGER 'Image Manager' |
const | _NUMIMAGES '%s images' |
const | _ADDIMAGE 'Add Image File' |
const | _IMAGENAME 'Name:' |
const | _IMGMAXSIZE 'Max size allowed (bytes):' |
const | _IMGMAXWIDTH 'Max width allowed (pixels):' |
const | _IMGMAXHEIGHT 'Max height allowed (pixels):' |
const | _IMAGECAT 'Category:' |
const | _IMAGEFILE 'Image file:' |
const | _IMGWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager:' |
const | _IMGDISPLAY 'Display this image?' |
const | _IMAGEMIME 'MIME type:' |
const | _FAILFETCHIMG 'Could not get uploaded file %s' |
const | _FAILSAVEIMG 'Failed storing image %s into the database' |
const | _NOCACHE 'No Cache' |
const | _CLONE 'Clone' |
const | _UPLOAD 'Upload' |
const | _SELECTFILES 'Select files' |
const | _DROPFILESHERE 'Drop files here' |
const | _RETRY 'Retry' |
const | _OK 'Ok' |
const | _FORMATPROGRESS '{percent}% of {total_size}' |
const | _FAILUPLOAD 'Upload failed!' |
const | _WAITINGFORRESPONSE 'Processing...' |
const | _PAUSED 'Paused' |
const | _PROCESSINGDROPPEDFILES 'Processing dropped files...' |
const | _TYPEERROR '{file} has an invalid extension. Valid extension(s): {extensions}!' |
const | _SIZEERROR '{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}!' |
const | _MINSIZEERROR '{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}!' |
const | _EMPTYERROR '{file} is empty, please select files again without it!' |
const | _NOFILESERROR 'No files to upload!' |
const | _TOOMANYITEMSERROR 'Too many items ({netItems}) would be uploaded. Item limit is {itemLimit}!' |
const | _MAXHEIGHTIMAGEERROR 'Image is too tall!' |
const | _MAXWIDTHIMAGEERROR 'Image is too wide!' |
const | _MINHEIGHTIMAGEERROR 'Image is not tall enough!' |
const | _MINWIDTHIMAGEERROR 'Image is not wide enough!' |
const | _RETRYFAILTOOMANYITEMS 'Retry failed - you have reached your file limit!' |
const | _ONLEAVE 'The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be canceled!' |
const | _UNSUPPORTEDBROWSERIOS8SAFARI 'Unrecoverable error - this browser does not permit file uploading of any kind due to serious bugs in iOS8 Safari. Please use iOS8 Chrome until Apple fixes these issues!' |
const | _STARTSWITH 'Starts with' |
const | _ENDSWITH 'Ends with' |
const | _MATCHES 'Matches' |
const | _CONTAINS 'Contains' |
const | _REQUIRED 'Required' |
const | _REGISTER 'Register' |
const | _SIZE 'Size' |
const | _FONT 'Font' |
const | _COLOR 'Color' |
const | _EXAMPLE 'SAMPLE' |
const | _ENTERURL 'Enter the URL of the link you want to add:' |
const | _ENTERWEBTITLE 'Enter the web site title:' |
const | _ENTERIMGURL 'Enter the URL of the image you want to add.' |
const | _ENTERIMGPOS 'Now, enter the position of the image.' |
const | _IMGPOSRORL '\'R\' or \'r\' for right, \'L\' or \'l\' for left, or leave it blank.' |
const | _ERRORIMGPOS 'ERROR! Enter the position of the image.' |
const | _ENTEREMAIL 'Enter the email address you want to add.' |
const | _ENTERCODE 'Enter the codes that you want to add.' |
const | _ENTERQUOTE 'Enter the text that you want to be quoted.' |
const | _ENTERTEXTBOX 'Please input text into the textbox.' |
const | _ALLOWEDCHAR 'Allowed max chars length: ' |
const | _CURRCHAR 'Current chars length: ' |
const | _PLZCOMPLETE 'Please complete the subject and message fields.' |
const | _MESSAGETOOLONG 'Your message is too long.' |
const | _AM_ADDSMILE ' Add a new smilie' |
const | _AM_SMILECODE 'Code' |
const | _AM_SMILEEMOTION 'Description' |
const | _AM_DISPLAYF 'Display in the form' |
const | _SECOND '1 second' |
const | _SECONDS '%s seconds' |
const | _MINUTE '1 minute' |
const | _MINUTES '%s minutes' |
const | _HOUR '1 hour' |
const | _HOURS '%s hours' |
const | _DAY '1 day' |
const | _DAYS '%s days' |
const | _WEEK '1 week' |
const | _MONTH '1 month' |
const | _DATESTRING 'Y/n/j G:i:s' |
const | _MEDIUMDATESTRING 'm/d/Y G:i' |
const | _SHORTDATESTRING 'm/d/Y' |
const | _CHARSET 'UTF-8' |
const | _LANGCODE 'en' |
const | _RESET 'Reset' |
const | _RE 'Re:' |
const | _DBDATESTRING 'Y-m-d' |
const | _DBTIMESTRING 'H:i:s' |
const | _DBTIMESTAMPSTRING 'Y-m-d H:i:s' |
const | _AM_MODULEADMIN_MISSING 'Error: The ModuleAdmin class is missing. Please install the ModuleAdmin Class into /Frameworks (see /docs/readme.txt)' |
const | _MD_MESSAGEC 'Message:' |
const | _PRINT 'Print' |
const | _PDF 'PDF' |
const | _OFF 'Off' |
const _ADD 'Add' |
const _ADDIMAGE 'Add Image File' |
const _ALIGN 'Align' |
const _ALL 'All' |
const _ALLOWEDCHAR 'Allowed max chars length: ' |
const _AM_ADDSMILE ' Add a new smilie' |
xoops smilie
const _AM_DISPLAYF 'Display in the form' |
const _AM_MODULEADMIN_MISSING 'Error: The ModuleAdmin class is missing. Please install the ModuleAdmin Class into /Frameworks (see /docs/readme.txt)' |
const _AM_SMILECODE 'Code' |
const _AM_SMILEEMOTION 'Description' |
const _ASCENDING 'Ascending order' |
const _AUTHOR 'Author' |
const _BACK 'Back' |
const _CANCEL 'Cancel' |
const _CENTER 'Center' |
const _CHARSET 'UTF-8' |
The following characters are recognized in the format string: a - 'am' or 'pm' A - 'AM' or 'PM' d - day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. '01' to '31' D - day of the week, textual, 3 letters; i.e. 'Fri' F - month, textual, long; i.e. 'January' h - hour, 12-hour format; i.e. '01' to '12' H - hour, 24-hour format; i.e. '00' to '23' g - hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12' G - hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '0' to '23' i - minutes; i.e. '00' to '59' j - day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '31' l (lowercase 'L') - day of the week, textual, long; i.e. 'Friday' L - boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. '0' or '1' m - month; i.e. '01' to '12' n - month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12' M - month, textual, 3 letters; i.e. 'Jan' s - seconds; i.e. '00' to '59' S - English ordinal suffix, textual, 2 characters; i.e. 'th','nd' t - number of days in the given month; i.e. '28' to '31' T - Timezone setting of this machine; i.e. 'MDT' U - seconds since the epoch w - day of the week, numeric, i.e. '0' (Sunday) to '6' (Saturday) Y - year, 4 digits; i.e. '1999' y - year, 2 digits; i.e. '99' z - day of the year; i.e. '0' to '365' Z - timezone offset in seconds (i.e. '-43200' to '43200')
const _CLONE 'Clone' |
const _CLOSE 'Close' |
const _COLOR 'Color' |
const _COMMENTS 'Comments' |
const _CONTAINS 'Contains' |
const _CPHOME 'Control Panel Home' |
const _CREDITS 'Credits' |
const _CURRCHAR 'Current chars length: ' |
const _DATE 'Date' |
const _DATESTRING 'Y/n/j G:i:s' |
const _DAY '1 day' |
const _DAYS '%s days' |
const _DBDATESTRING 'Y-m-d' |
Additions to 2.5.5
const _DBTIMESTAMPSTRING 'Y-m-d H:i:s' |
const _DBTIMESTRING 'H:i:s' |
const _DELETE 'Delete' |
const _DESCENDING 'Descending order' |
const _DESCRIPTION 'Description' |
const _DISABLEHTML 'Disable HTML' |
const _DISABLESMILEY 'Disable smiley' |
const _DROPFILESHERE 'Drop files here' |
const _EDIT 'Edit' |
const _EMPTYERROR '{file} is empty, please select files again without it!' |
const _ENDSWITH 'Ends with' |
const _ENTERCODE 'Enter the codes that you want to add.' |
const _ENTEREMAIL 'Enter the email address you want to add.' |
const _ENTERIMGPOS 'Now, enter the position of the image.' |
const _ENTERIMGURL 'Enter the URL of the image you want to add.' |
const _ENTERQUOTE 'Enter the text that you want to be quoted.' |
const _ENTERTEXTBOX 'Please input text into the textbox.' |
const _ENTERURL 'Enter the URL of the link you want to add:' |
const _ENTERWEBTITLE 'Enter the web site title:' |
const _ERRORIMGPOS 'ERROR! Enter the position of the image.' |
const _ERRORS 'Errors' |
const _FAILFETCHIMG 'Could not get uploaded file %s' |
const _FAILSAVEIMG 'Failed storing image %s into the database' |
const _FAILUPLOAD 'Upload failed!' |
const _FETCHING 'Loading...' |
const _FLAT 'Flat' |
const _FONT 'Font' |
const _FORM_ENTER 'Please enter %s' |
const _FORMATPROGRESS '{percent}% of {total_size}' |
const _GO 'Go!' |
const _GUESTS 'Guests' |
const _HOUR '1 hour' |
const _HOURS '%s hours' |
const _IFNOTRELOAD 'If the page does not automatically reload, please click <a href=\'%s\'>here</a>' |
const _IMAGE 'Image' |
const _IMAGECAT 'Category:' |
const _IMAGEFILE 'Image file:' |
const _IMAGEMIME 'MIME type:' |
const _IMAGENAME 'Name:' |
const _IMGDISPLAY 'Display this image?' |
const _IMGMANAGER 'Image Manager' |
const _IMGMAXHEIGHT 'Max height allowed (pixels):' |
const _IMGMAXSIZE 'Max size allowed (bytes):' |
const _IMGMAXWIDTH 'Max width allowed (pixels):' |
const _IMGPOSRORL '\'R\' or \'r\' for right, \'L\' or \'l\' for left, or leave it blank.' |
const _IMGWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager:' |
const _INFO 'Info' |
const _LANGCODE 'en' |
const _LEFT 'Left' |
const _LICENCE 'Licence' |
const _LIST 'List' |
const _LOGIN 'User Login' |
const _LOGOUT 'Logout' |
const _MAIN 'Main' |
const _MANUAL 'Manual' |
const _MATCHES 'Matches' |
const _MAXHEIGHTIMAGEERROR 'Image is too tall!' |
const _MAXWIDTHIMAGEERROR 'Image is too wide!' |
const _MD_ADDIMGCAT 'Add Category' |
Image manager
const _MD_ASFILE 'Store as files (in uploads directory)' |
const _MD_EDITIMGCAT 'Images Settings' |
const _MD_IMGCATDISPLAY 'Display' |
const _MD_IMGCATNAME 'Category name' |
const _MD_IMGCATRGRP 'Select groups for image manager use' |
const _MD_IMGCATSTRTYPE 'Images are uploaded to:' |
const _MD_IMGCATWEIGHT 'Display order in image manager' |
const _MD_IMGCATWGRP 'Select groups allowed to upload images' |
const _MD_IMGMAIN 'Category' |
const _MD_INDB "Store in the database (as binary \"blob\" data)" |
const _MD_MESSAGEC 'Message:' |
const _MD_STRTYOPENG 'This can not be changed afterwards!' |
const _MEDIUMDATESTRING 'm/d/Y G:i' |
const _MEMBERS 'Members' |
const _MESSAGEICON 'Message Icon' |
const _MESSAGETOOLONG 'Your message is too long.' |
const _MINHEIGHTIMAGEERROR 'Image is not tall enough!' |
const _MINSIZEERROR '{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}!' |
const _MINUTE '1 minute' |
const _MINUTES '%s minutes' |
const _MINWIDTHIMAGEERROR 'Image is not wide enough!' |
const _MODULENOEXIST 'Selected module does not exist!' |
const _MONTH '1 month' |
const _MORE 'more...' |
const _MULTIPAGE 'To have your article span multiple pages, insert the word <span color=red>[pagebreak]</span> (with brackets) in the article.' |
const _MUSTWABLE 'File %s must be writable by the server!' |
const _NESTED 'Nested' |
const _NEWESTFIRST 'Newest First' |
const _NO 'No' |
const _NOCACHE 'No Cache' |
const _NOCOMMENTS 'No Comments' |
const _NOFILESERROR 'No files to upload!' |
const _NONE 'None' |
const _NOPERM 'Sorry, you don\'t have the permission to access this area.' |
const _NOTITLE 'No title' |
const _NUMIMAGES '%s images' |
const _OFF 'Off' |
const _OK 'Ok' |
const _OLDESTFIRST 'Oldest First' |
const _ON 'On' |
const _ONLEAVE 'The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be canceled!' |
const _ONLINEPHRASE '<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are online' |
const _ONLINEPHRASEX '<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are browsing <strong>%s</strong>' |
const _OPTIONS 'Options' |
const _PASSWORD 'Password: ' |
const _PAUSED 'Paused' |
const _PDF 'PDF' |
const _PLEASEWAIT 'Please Wait' |
const _PLZCOMPLETE 'Please complete the subject and message fields.' |
const _POSTANON 'Post Anonymously' |
const _POSTEDBY 'Posted by' |
const _PREFERENCES 'Preferences' |
const _PREVIEW 'Preview' |
const _PRINT 'Print' |
const _PROCESSINGDROPPEDFILES 'Processing dropped files...' |
const _PROFILE 'Profile' |
const _QUOTE 'Quote' |
const _QUOTEC 'Quote:' |
const _RE 'Re:' |
const _READS 'reads' |
const _REGISTER 'Register' |
const _REPLY 'Reply' |
const _REQUIRED 'Required' |
const _RESET 'Reset' |
Additions to 2.4.0
const _RETRY 'Retry' |
const _RETRYFAILTOOMANYITEMS 'Retry failed - you have reached your file limit!' |
const _RIGHT 'Right' |
const _SEARCH 'Search' |
const _SECOND '1 second' |
const _SECONDS '%s seconds' |
const _SELECT 'Select' |
const _SELECTFILES 'Select files' |
const _SEND 'Send' |
const _SENDEMAILTO 'Send Email to %s' |
const _SENDPMTO 'Send Private Message to %s' |
const _SHORTDATESTRING 'm/d/Y' |
const _SIZE 'Size' |
const _SIZEERROR '{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}!' |
const _STARTSWITH 'Starts with' |
const _SUBJECT 'Subject' |
const _SUBMIT 'Submit' |
const _TAKINGBACK 'Taking you back to where you were....' |
const _THREADED 'Threaded' |
const _TITLE 'Title' |
const _TOOMANYITEMSERROR 'Too many items ({netItems}) would be uploaded. Item limit is {itemLimit}!' |
const _TYPEERROR '{file} has an invalid extension. Valid extension(s): {extensions}!' |
const _UNSUPPORTEDBROWSERIOS8SAFARI 'Unrecoverable error - this browser does not permit file uploading of any kind due to serious bugs in iOS8 Safari. Please use iOS8 Chrome until Apple fixes these issues!' |
const _UPLOAD 'Upload' |
const _USERNAME 'Username: ' |
const _VERSION 'Version' |
const _VISITWEBSITE 'Visit Website' |
const _WAITINGFORRESPONSE 'Processing...' |
const _WEEK '1 week' |
const _WELCOMETO 'Welcome to %s' |
const _WHOSONLINE 'Who\'s Online' |
const _XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED '%s is required' |
const _XOBJ_ERR_SHORTERTHAN '%s must be shorter than %d characters.' |
const _YES 'Yes' |
const _YOURHOME 'Home Page' |