API - XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2
By monxoops.fr
admin.php File Reference


const _AM_SYSTEM_CONFIG 'System Configuration'
const _AM_SYSTEM_CPANEL 'Control Panel'
const _AM_SYSTEM_UPDATE 'Update'
const _AM_SYSTEM_GOTOMODULE 'Go to module'
const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP 'Help'
const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP_VIEW 'Display Help'
const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP_HIDE 'Hide Help'
const _AM_SYSTEM_TIPS 'Tips'
const _AM_SYSTEM_SECTION 'Section'
const _AM_SYSTEM_DESC 'Description'
const _AM_SYSTEM_GO 'Access to this section'
const _AM_SYSTEM_STATUS 'Change status section'
const _AM_SYSTEM_LOADING 'Loading'
const _AM_SYSTEM_ALL 'All'
const _AM_SYSTEM_TIPS_MAIN '<ul><li>Enable or disable sections of system module or just access to it.</li></ul>'
const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATAR_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> avatars.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_BANNER_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> banners.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENT_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> comments.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_GROUP_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> groups.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMG_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> images.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_SMILIES_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> smilies.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_RANKS_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> user ranks.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> users.</li></ul>"
const _AM_SYSTEM_ADGS 'Groups'
const _AM_SYSTEM_ADGS_DESC 'Manage module access permissions for users and groups.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_BANS 'Banners'
const _AM_SYSTEM_BANS_DESC 'Manage XOOPS advertising banner feature.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS 'Blocks'
const _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_DESC 'Blocks can display module content on any page. Manage blocks here.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MODULES 'Modules'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MODULES_DESC 'Install and un-install XOOPS modules.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_SMLS 'Smilies'
const _AM_SYSTEM_SMLS_DESC 'Hide, change and add custom smilies for people to use in posts and comments.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_RANK 'User Ranks'
const _AM_SYSTEM_RANK_DESC 'Edit and create named ranks for users and moderators.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_USER 'Users'
const _AM_SYSTEM_USER_DESC 'Manually add users, edit user profiles and change passwords.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_PREF 'Preferences'
const _AM_SYSTEM_PREF_DESC 'Change the global preferences for your XOOPS website.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MLUS 'Email Users'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MLUS_DESC 'Send emails or private messages to one user, or many users from here.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES 'Image Manager'
const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_DESC 'Create categories for the image manager and upload images here.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATARS 'Avatars'
const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATARS_DESC 'Upload custom avatars for users to display in their profiles.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_TPLSETS 'Templates'
const _AM_SYSTEM_TPLSETS_DESC 'Edit module templates directly without editing the files on disc.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENTS 'Comments'
const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENTS_DESC 'Many modules allow users to post comments. You can delete or edit them here.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_FILEMANAGER 'File Manager'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE 'Maintenance'
const _AM_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_DESC 'Maintenance tools for database tables, cache folders and session table.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_DBUPDATED 'Database Updated Successfully!'
const _AM_SYSTEM_DBERROR 'Database was not updated due to some error!'
const _AM_SYSTEM_NOTACTIVE 'This section is not active!'
const _MD_AM_PERMADDNG 'Could not add %s permission to %s for group %s'
const _MD_AM_PERMADDOK 'Added %s permission to %s for group %s'
const _MD_AM_PERMRESETNG 'Could not reset group permission for module %s'
const _MD_AM_PERMADDNGP 'All parent items must be selected.'
const _AM_SYSTEM_UNINSTALL 'Uninstall'
const _AM_SYSTEM_USAGE 'Usage'
const _AM_SYSTEM_ACTIVE 'Active'

Variable Documentation


const _AM_SYSTEM_ACTIVE 'Active'


const _AM_SYSTEM_ADGS 'Groups'


const _AM_SYSTEM_ADGS_DESC 'Manage module access permissions for users and groups.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_ALL 'All'


const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATAR_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> avatars.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATARS 'Avatars'


const _AM_SYSTEM_AVATARS_DESC 'Upload custom avatars for users to display in their profiles.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_BANNER_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> banners.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_BANS 'Banners'


const _AM_SYSTEM_BANS_DESC 'Manage XOOPS advertising banner feature.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS 'Blocks'


const _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_DESC 'Blocks can display module content on any page. Manage blocks here.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENT_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> comments.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENTS 'Comments'


const _AM_SYSTEM_COMMENTS_DESC 'Many modules allow users to post comments. You can delete or edit them here.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_CONFIG 'System Configuration'


const _AM_SYSTEM_CPANEL 'Control Panel'


const _AM_SYSTEM_DBERROR 'Database was not updated due to some error!'


const _AM_SYSTEM_DBUPDATED 'Database Updated Successfully!'


const _AM_SYSTEM_DESC 'Description'


const _AM_SYSTEM_FILEMANAGER 'File Manager'




const _AM_SYSTEM_GO 'Access to this section'


const _AM_SYSTEM_GOTOMODULE 'Go to module'


const _AM_SYSTEM_GROUP_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> groups.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP 'Help'


const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP_HIDE 'Hide Help'


const _AM_SYSTEM_HELP_VIEW 'Display Help'


const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES 'Image Manager'


const _AM_SYSTEM_IMAGES_DESC 'Create categories for the image manager and upload images here.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_IMG_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> images.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_LOADING 'Loading'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE 'Maintenance'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_DESC 'Maintenance tools for database tables, cache folders and session table.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MLUS 'Email Users'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MLUS_DESC 'Send emails or private messages to one user, or many users from here.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MODULES 'Modules'


const _AM_SYSTEM_MODULES_DESC 'Install and un-install XOOPS modules.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_NOTACTIVE 'This section is not active!'


const _AM_SYSTEM_PREF 'Preferences'


const _AM_SYSTEM_PREF_DESC 'Change the global preferences for your XOOPS website.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_RANK 'User Ranks'


const _AM_SYSTEM_RANK_DESC 'Edit and create named ranks for users and moderators.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_RANKS_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> user ranks.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_SECTION 'Section'


const _AM_SYSTEM_SMILIES_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> smilies.</li></ul>"


const _AM_SYSTEM_SMLS 'Smilies'


const _AM_SYSTEM_SMLS_DESC 'Hide, change and add custom smilies for people to use in posts and comments.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_STATUS 'Change status section'


const _AM_SYSTEM_TIPS 'Tips'


const _AM_SYSTEM_TIPS_MAIN '<ul><li>Enable or disable sections of system module or just access to it.</li></ul>'


const _AM_SYSTEM_TPLSETS 'Templates'


const _AM_SYSTEM_TPLSETS_DESC 'Edit module templates directly without editing the files on disc.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_UNINSTALL 'Uninstall'


const _AM_SYSTEM_UPDATE 'Update'


const _AM_SYSTEM_USAGE 'Usage'


const _AM_SYSTEM_USER 'Users'


const _AM_SYSTEM_USER_DESC 'Manually add users, edit user profiles and change passwords.'


const _AM_SYSTEM_USERS_INFO "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> users.</li></ul>"


const _MD_AM_PERMADDNG 'Could not add %s permission to %s for group %s'


const _MD_AM_PERMADDNGP 'All parent items must be selected.'


const _MD_AM_PERMADDOK 'Added %s permission to %s for group %s'


const _MD_AM_PERMRESETNG 'Could not reset group permission for module %s'