![]() |
API - XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2
By monxoops.fr
Variables | |
const | _CM_TITLE 'Title' |
const | _CM_MESSAGE 'Message' |
const | _CM_DOSMILEY 'Enable Smiley Icons' |
const | _CM_DOHTML 'Enable HTML Tags' |
const | _CM_DOAUTOWRAP 'Auto wrap lines' |
const | _CM_DOXCODE 'Enable XOOPS Codes' |
const | _CM_REFRESH 'Refresh' |
const | _CM_PENDING 'Pending' |
const | _CM_HIDDEN 'Hidden' |
const | _CM_ACTIVE 'Active' |
const | _CM_STATUS 'Status' |
const | _CM_POSTCOMMENT 'Publish Comment' |
const | _CM_REPLIES 'Replies' |
const | _CM_PARENT 'Parent' |
const | _CM_TOP 'Top' |
const | _CM_BOTTOM 'Bottom' |
const | _CM_ONLINE 'Online!' |
const | _CM_POSTED 'Published' |
const | _CM_UPDATED 'Updated' |
const | _CM_THREAD 'Thread' |
const | _CM_POSTER 'Author' |
const | _CM_JOINED 'Joined' |
const | _CM_POSTS 'Comments' |
const | _CM_FROM 'From' |
const | _CM_COMDELETED 'Comment(s) deleted.' |
const | _CM_COMDELETENG 'Could not delete comment.' |
const | _CM_DELETESELECT 'Delete all its child comments?' |
const | _CM_DELETEONE 'No, delete only this comment' |
const | _CM_DELETEALL 'Yes, delete all' |
const | _CM_THANKSPOST 'Thanks for your comments!' |
const | _CM_NOTICE "The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content." |
const | _CM_COMRULES 'Comment Rules' |
const | _CM_COMAPPROVEALL 'Comments are always approved' |
const | _CM_COMAPPROVEUSER 'Comments by registered users are always approved' |
const | _CM_COMAPPROVEADMIN 'All comments need to be approved by administrator' |
const | _CM_COMANONPOST 'Allow anonymous comments?' |
const | _CM_COMNOCOM 'Disable comments' |
const | _CM_USER 'Name' |
const | _CM_EMAIL 'Email' |
const | _CM_URL 'Website' |
const _CM_ACTIVE 'Active' |
const _CM_BOTTOM 'Bottom' |
const _CM_COMANONPOST 'Allow anonymous comments?' |
const _CM_COMAPPROVEADMIN 'All comments need to be approved by administrator' |
const _CM_COMAPPROVEALL 'Comments are always approved' |
const _CM_COMAPPROVEUSER 'Comments by registered users are always approved' |
const _CM_COMDELETED 'Comment(s) deleted.' |
const _CM_COMDELETENG 'Could not delete comment.' |
const _CM_COMNOCOM 'Disable comments' |
const _CM_COMRULES 'Comment Rules' |
const _CM_DELETEALL 'Yes, delete all' |
const _CM_DELETEONE 'No, delete only this comment' |
const _CM_DELETESELECT 'Delete all its child comments?' |
const _CM_DOAUTOWRAP 'Auto wrap lines' |
const _CM_DOHTML 'Enable HTML Tags' |
const _CM_DOSMILEY 'Enable Smiley Icons' |
const _CM_DOXCODE 'Enable XOOPS Codes' |
const _CM_EMAIL 'Email' |
const _CM_FROM 'From' |
const _CM_HIDDEN 'Hidden' |
const _CM_JOINED 'Joined' |
const _CM_MESSAGE 'Message' |
const _CM_NOTICE "The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content." |
const _CM_ONLINE 'Online!' |
const _CM_PARENT 'Parent' |
const _CM_PENDING 'Pending' |
const _CM_POSTCOMMENT 'Publish Comment' |
const _CM_POSTED 'Published' |
const _CM_POSTER 'Author' |
const _CM_POSTS 'Comments' |
const _CM_REFRESH 'Refresh' |
const _CM_REPLIES 'Replies' |
const _CM_STATUS 'Status' |
const _CM_THANKSPOST 'Thanks for your comments!' |
const _CM_THREAD 'Thread' |
const _CM_TITLE 'Title' |
const _CM_TOP 'Top' |
const _CM_UPDATED 'Updated' |
const _CM_URL 'Website' |
const _CM_USER 'Name' |