XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier captcha.php


const _CAPTCHA_CAPTION 'Confirmation Code'
const _CAPTCHA_INVALID_CODE 'Invalid confirmation code!'
const _CAPTCHA_TOOMANYATTEMPTS 'Too many attempts!'
const _CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMPTS 'Maximum attempts you can try: %d'
const _CAPTCHA_RULE_IMAGE 'Input letters in the image'
const _CAPTCHA_RULE_CASESENSITIVE 'The code is case-sensitive'
const _CAPTCHA_RULE_CASEINSENSITIVE 'The code is case-insensitive'
const _CAPTCHA_REFRESH 'Click to refresh the image if it is not clear enough.'
const _CAPTCHA_RULE_TEXT 'Input the result from the expression'
const _CAPTCHA_LOADFILEERROR 'Error: Could not load file %u in file %s at line %s. '

Documentation des variables


const _CAPTCHA_CAPTION 'Confirmation Code'


const _CAPTCHA_INVALID_CODE 'Invalid confirmation code!'


const _CAPTCHA_LOADFILEERROR 'Error: Could not load file %u in file %s at line %s. '

Error defines


const _CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMPTS 'Maximum attempts you can try: %d'


const _CAPTCHA_REFRESH 'Click to refresh the image if it is not clear enough.'


const _CAPTCHA_RULE_CASEINSENSITIVE 'The code is case-insensitive'


const _CAPTCHA_RULE_CASESENSITIVE 'The code is case-sensitive'


const _CAPTCHA_RULE_IMAGE 'Input letters in the image'


const _CAPTCHA_RULE_TEXT 'Input the result from the expression'


const _CAPTCHA_TOOMANYATTEMPTS 'Too many attempts!'