XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier XoopsCore25-2.5.11-Beta1/htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/Core.EscapeInvalidChildren.txt


Core EscapeInvalidChildren TYPE
Core EscapeInvalidChildren a child is found that is not allowed in the context of the parent element will be transformed into text as if it were ASCII When false
Core EscapeInvalidChildren a child is found that is not allowed in the context of the parent element will be transformed into text as if it were ASCII When that element and all internal tags will be dropped

Documentation des variables

◆ dropped

Core EscapeInvalidChildren a child is found that is not allowed in the context of the parent element will be transformed into text as if it were ASCII When that element and all internal tags will be dropped

◆ false

Core EscapeInvalidChildren a child is found that is not allowed in the context of the parent element will be transformed into text as if it were ASCII When false


Core EscapeInvalidChildren TYPE