XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence du fichier search.php


const _SR_SEARCH 'Search'
const _SR_PLZENTER 'Please enter all required data!'
const _SR_SEARCHRESULTS 'Search Results'
const _SR_NOMATCH 'No Match Found for your Query'
const _SR_FOUND 'Found <strong>%s</strong> match(es)'
const _SR_SHOWING '(Showing %d - %d)'
const _SR_ANY 'Any (OR)'
const _SR_ALL 'All (AND)'
const _SR_EXACT 'Exact Match'
const _SR_SHOWALLR 'Show all results'
const _SR_NEXT 'Next >>'
const _SR_PREVIOUS '<< Previous'
const _SR_KEYWORDS 'Keyword(s)'
const _SR_TYPE 'Type'
const _SR_SEARCHIN 'Search in'
const _SR_KEYTOOSHORT 'Keywords must be at least <strong>%s</strong> characters long'
const _SR_KEYIGNORE 'Keywords shorter than <strong>%s</strong> characters will be ignored'
const _SR_SEARCHRULE 'Search Rule'
const _SR_IGNOREDWORDS 'The following words are shorter than allowed minimum length (%u chars) and were not included in your search:'

Documentation des variables


const _SR_ALL 'All (AND)'


const _SR_ANY 'Any (OR)'


const _SR_EXACT 'Exact Match'


const _SR_FOUND 'Found <strong>%s</strong> match(es)'


const _SR_IGNOREDWORDS 'The following words are shorter than allowed minimum length (%u chars) and were not included in your search:'


const _SR_KEYIGNORE 'Keywords shorter than <strong>%s</strong> characters will be ignored'


const _SR_KEYTOOSHORT 'Keywords must be at least <strong>%s</strong> characters long'


const _SR_KEYWORDS 'Keyword(s)'


const _SR_NEXT 'Next >>'


const _SR_NOMATCH 'No Match Found for your Query'


const _SR_PLZENTER 'Please enter all required data!'


const _SR_PREVIOUS '<< Previous'


const _SR_SEARCH 'Search'


const _SR_SEARCHIN 'Search in'


const _SR_SEARCHRESULTS 'Search Results'


const _SR_SEARCHRULE 'Search Rule'


const _SR_SHOWALLR 'Show all results'


const _SR_SHOWING '(Showing %d - %d)'


const _SR_TYPE 'Type'