XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier admin.php


const _PM_AM_PRUNE 'Prune'
const _PM_AM_PRUNEAFTER 'Prune messages posted after this date (leave blank for no start date)'
const _PM_AM_PRUNEBEFORE 'Prune messages posted before this date (leave blank for no end date)'
const _PM_AM_ONLYREADMESSAGES 'Prune only read messages'
const _PM_AM_INCLUDESAVE "Include messages in users' \"save\" folders"
const _PM_AM_NOTIFYUSERS 'Notify affected users about the prune?'
const _PM_AM_MESSAGESPRUNED '%u Messages Pruned'
const _PM_AM_ERRORWHILEPRUNING 'An error occurred during prune'

Documentation des variables


const _PM_AM_ERRORWHILEPRUNING 'An error occurred during prune'


const _PM_AM_INCLUDESAVE "Include messages in users' \"save\" folders"


const _PM_AM_MESSAGESPRUNED '%u Messages Pruned'


const _PM_AM_NOTIFYUSERS 'Notify affected users about the prune?'


const _PM_AM_ONLYREADMESSAGES 'Prune only read messages'


const _PM_AM_PRUNE 'Prune'


const _PM_AM_PRUNEAFTER 'Prune messages posted after this date (leave blank for no start date)'


const _PM_AM_PRUNEBEFORE 'Prune messages posted before this date (leave blank for no end date)'