XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
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Référence de la classe HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct

Fonctions membres publiques

 getChild ($type, $id)
 addError ($severity, $message)

Champs de données

const TOKEN = 0
const ATTR = 1
const CSSPROP = 2
 $errors = array()
 $children = array()

Description détaillée

Records errors for particular segments of an HTML document such as tokens, attributes or CSS properties. They can contain error structs (which apply to components of what they represent), but their main purpose is to hold errors applying to whatever struct is being used.

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ addError()

addError (   $severity,

◆ getChild()

getChild (   $type,

Documentation des champs

◆ $children

$children = array()

Child ErrorStructs that are from this structure. For example, a TOKEN ErrorStruct would contain ATTR ErrorStructs. This is a multi-dimensional array in structure: [TYPE]['identifier'] @type array

◆ $errors

$errors = array()

Errors registered for this structure. @type array

◆ $type


Type of this struct. @type string

◆ $value

Value of the struct we are recording errors for. There are various values for this:

  • TOKEN: Instance of HTMLPurifier_Token
  • ATTR: array('attr-name', 'value')
  • CSSPROP: array('prop-name', 'value') @type mixed


const ATTR = 1


const CSSPROP = 2


const TOKEN = 0

Possible values for $children first-key. Note that top-level structures are automatically token-level.

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :