XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1  UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Référence du fichier upd-2.0.18-to-2.3.0.php


const LEGEND_XOOPS_PATHS 'XOOPS Physical paths'
const LEGEND_DATABASE 'Database Character Set'
const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS library directory'
const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.'
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS datafiles directory'
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.'
const DB_COLLATION_LABEL 'Database character set and collation'
const DB_COLLATION_HELP "As of 4.12 MySQL supports custom character set and collation. However it is more complex than expected, so DON'T make any change unless you are confident with your choice."
const DB_COLLATION_NOCHANGE 'Do not change'
const XOOPS_PATH_FOUND 'Path found.'
const ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS 'Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server.'
const CHECKING_PERMISSIONS 'Checking file and directory permissions...'
const ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS 'The server must be given write access to the following files and folder<br>(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)'
const IS_NOT_WRITABLE '%s is NOT writable.'
const IS_WRITABLE '%s is writable.'
const ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE_MAINFILE 'Error writing content to mainfile.php, write the content into mainfile.php manually.'

Documentation des variables


const CHECKING_PERMISSIONS 'Checking file and directory permissions...'


const DB_COLLATION_HELP "As of 4.12 MySQL supports custom character set and collation. However it is more complex than expected, so DON'T make any change unless you are confident with your choice."


const DB_COLLATION_LABEL 'Database character set and collation'


const DB_COLLATION_NOCHANGE 'Do not change'


const ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS 'Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server.'


const ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE_MAINFILE 'Error writing content to mainfile.php, write the content into mainfile.php manually.'


const ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS 'The server must be given write access to the following files and folder<br>(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)'


const IS_NOT_WRITABLE '%s is NOT writable.'


const IS_WRITABLE '%s is writable.'


const LEGEND_DATABASE 'Database Character Set'


const LEGEND_XOOPS_PATHS 'XOOPS Physical paths'


const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.'


const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS datafiles directory'


const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.'


const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS library directory'


const XOOPS_PATH_FOUND 'Path found.'