XOOPS API 2.5.11 Beta1
UI v0.5
Réalisé par monxoops.fr
Variables | |
const | LEGEND_XOOPS_PATHS 'XOOPS Physical paths' |
const | LEGEND_DATABASE 'Database Character Set' |
const | XOOPS_LIB_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS library directory' |
const | XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.' |
const | XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS datafiles directory' |
const | XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.' |
const | DB_COLLATION_LABEL 'Database character set and collation' |
const | DB_COLLATION_HELP "As of 4.12 MySQL supports custom character set and collation. However it is more complex than expected, so DON'T make any change unless you are confident with your choice." |
const | DB_COLLATION_NOCHANGE 'Do not change' |
const | XOOPS_PATH_FOUND 'Path found.' |
const | ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS 'Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server.' |
const | CHECKING_PERMISSIONS 'Checking file and directory permissions...' |
const | ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS 'The server must be given write access to the following files and folder<br>(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)' |
const | IS_NOT_WRITABLE '%s is NOT writable.' |
const | IS_WRITABLE '%s is writable.' |
const | ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE_MAINFILE 'Error writing content to mainfile.php, write the content into mainfile.php manually.' |
const DB_COLLATION_HELP "As of 4.12 MySQL supports custom character set and collation. However it is more complex than expected, so DON'T make any change unless you are confident with your choice." |
const DB_COLLATION_NOCHANGE 'Do not change' |
const ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS 'Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server.' |
const ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE_MAINFILE 'Error writing content to mainfile.php, write the content into mainfile.php manually.' |
const ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS 'The server must be given write access to the following files and folder<br>(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)' |
const IS_NOT_WRITABLE '%s is NOT writable.' |
const IS_WRITABLE '%s is writable.' |
const LEGEND_DATABASE 'Database Character Set' |
const LEGEND_XOOPS_PATHS 'XOOPS Physical paths' |
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.' |
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL 'XOOPS datafiles directory' |
const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP 'Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of ' . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . ' to make it secure.' |
const XOOPS_PATH_FOUND 'Path found.' |